know yourself better

An online course that will help you make life decisions more easily


Do you find it hard to make important decisions about your life and career?

The lack of clarity and decisiveness that you’re experiencing can come from your lack of self-knowledge.

This course will increase your self-knowledge, so that you can make the right decisions for yourself more easily and quickly. Throughout my 8-step process, you will explore new areas and create an action plan to support future decision-making. Each step comes with self-reflective questions and exercises to help you get to the bottom of the ‘true you’.

By the end of the course, you will feel more confident and decisive, ready to take control of your life and career.

know yourself better

I designed this course to put everything I know in one place

All the concepts I’m covering in the online course have helped me figure out my life and career, and have helped my clients make decisions too. I believe that self-knowledge is a power that will serve you - and others. Investing in this today will have an impact on your future.



Step 1. Your vision of the future

Knowing what you’re aiming for is the first step in knowing who you are. In this module, you will go through a self-reflective questionnaire that will help you clarify the vision that you want to achieve.

Step 2. Your self-limiting beliefs and fears

We all have negative self-talk that can stop us from achieving our objectives and dreams. In this module, you will explore and smash your self-limiting beliefs, worries and fears.

Step 3. Your passions

Passion is defined as a very powerful feeling, an extreme interest in or wish for doing something.We’ll explore what makes you passionate and how to connect with your passions.

Step 4. Your values

Values drive our thoughts, behaviours, actions and decisions. They define who we are and what we want to be. In this step of the process, you will complete an exercise to identify and describe your values and understand what really matters to you.

Step 5. Your energisers and drainers

Exploring what gives you energy and what drains you will enable you to understand what activities you should focus on and get rid of in your life. This step will take you through a thorough exercise to assess your energisers and drainers and make a plan to bring more energy into your life.

Step 6. Your personality traits

Understanding your personality traits will help you understand how you behave and communicate, how you interact with others and what makes you stressed. You will complete a self-assessment based on the MBTI® personality profiling questionnaire that will give you a clear picture of your personality type.

Step 7. Your skills

In this step, you will assess what you’ve learned to do and can do throughout your whole experience. Looking at both your technical and soft skills, you’ll complete a detailed assessment of your skillset.

Step 8. Your action plan

To finish the course, you will create a summary of what makes your ‘true self’ and work on a plan to use your self-knowledge to get you closer to your life vision and make the right decisions.


“It has helped me discover insights into my skills, personality, working styles and interests which has helped me more broadly understand myself as a whole – beyond just my business, job title or CV”. Amanda

People at Heart Coaching

Why I created the course

2 years ago, I was really unhappy in my job. I felt disconnected from what I was supposed to do, I was disengaged and snappy at work and it started affecting my relationship, my parenting and my mental health. On my way back from holidays, I realised I had to make a change and I quit my job.

At that stage, I was lucky to have enough self-knowledge to know something wasn’t right for me and to quickly make a decision about what I would do next.

Throughout my years in the corporate world, I had the opportunity to attend development programmes and be coached by great managers, mentors and coaches. So I knew the kind of work that I would enjoy, and I picked the option that resonated the most with me - becoming a coach. I can genuinely say I did the right thing, because I'm happy, I feel aligned, and I'm a more patient and listening parent and partner. It’s a never-ending process though. In this new chapter of my life, I’m still learning about myself, and I’m loving it.

Now I want to share what I’ve learned with everyone else and empower others.



  • Price: £200, including a course workbook to download.

  • The course is hosted on Thinkific: you can access the content whenever and wherever you like (even on your phone!):

  • You complete the modules at your own pace. As a guide, it takes approximately 2 hours to complete each module, so that’s a total of 16 hours for the whole course.

  • You’ll have unlimited access to the course.

  • Course Terms & Conditions